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15 Things You Should NOT Do at a Job Interview

August 22, 2018 by
15 Things You Should NOT Do at a Job Interview
Rodney Boman

If your résumé and cover letter have been impressive enough to get you an interview, the job could be yours—provided you perform well at the interview. Even the most seasoned professional can get flustered and spoil their chances, so with a little preparation, you can avoid these common interview blunders:

1. Not Doing Your Research

You might have the skills to do the job, but do you know the how the company operates? Find out who the competition and major players in the market are. 

2. Turning Up Late

Unless you have a very good excuse and call ahead to rearrange, turning up late for an appointment will not endear you to any employer. 

3. Dressing Inappropriately

While smart casual might be the current trend, professional attire is still proper business etiquette for interviews. It’s all about first impressions. 

4. Fidgeting With Unnecessary Props

This can include cell phones, nail files, and chewing gum. They all have one thing in common – they don’t belong at the interview table. 

5. Poor Body Language

Eye contact, good posture, a cheerful demeanor and a firm handshake will get you a long way in an interview. 

6. Unclear Answering and Rambling

Take time to think before you answer questions and avoid bumbling to an uncomfortable halt; it doesn’t inspire confidence. Also, don’t mumble; the interviewer doesn’t want to have to ask you to repeat an answer or have to strain to hear every word you’re saying. 

7. Speaking Negatively About Your Current Employer

Never complain about your current employer, no matter how despotic or ineffectual they are. Badmouthing won’t reflect well on you. 

8. Not Asking Questions

Employers want to see you’re interested enough to hear more about the post or company and will look kindly on any well-placed questions. 

9. Lying on Your Résumé

Anything written on your résumé could be discussed at an interview and a fabrication about your work or education record could damage your reputation in the long run. 

10. Getting Personal or Too Familiar

Avoid giving sob stories about how much you need the job due to the mountain of debt you’ve accrued. Also, don’t behave in a conceited or over-familiar and flirty manner; it never makes a good impression. 

11. Not Bringing Along Additional Resumes

If you’re unsure how many people will be interviewing you, bring along surplus copies of your résumé to hand out. It will show that you’re highly prepared. 

12. Sitting Down Before Invited

It’s common courtesy to wait until you’re shown a seat to sit down. Also, avoid slouching or putting your feet anywhere but firmly on the ground. 

13. Discussing Money or Time Off

Unless an offer is put on the table, it’s not recommended that you discuss money or future working and holiday arrangements. 

14. Cursing

Using foul and inappropriate language is generally not acceptable at any time in the workplace, so it is an especially bad idea in an interview. 

15. Not Following Up

You might not think you’ve performed well in an interview, but a simple email reiterating your interest is a courtesy that might just pay off in the long run.Want to know what you should be doing in an interview to be remembered? These tips for making a lasting impression will help ensure your interview goes well. 

Article Written by: on April 11, 2017