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7 Benefits of Working With a Recruiter

January 15, 2019 by
7 Benefits of Working With a Recruiter
Rodney Boman

If you’ve ever had to find a job before, you know it can be exhausting. So why not have a recruiter help you along with that search? There are many incorrect perceptions about recruiters among job seekers. A recruiter can actually be a great resource for you during your job search. Today we list some of the best benefits you get from working with a recruiter.

1. Get Your Foot in the Door

One of the most frustrating portions of a job search is trying to get a call or email back from an employer. Even if you contact the hiring manager personally, chances of hearing back are slim. However, a recruiter has a vast network of connections, usually within a specialized industry. Once you begin working with a recruiter, they will send your resume to their contacts who may want to hire you. This greatly increases the likelihood of someone getting in touch with you.

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2. Help with Interview Nerves

Obviously, the next step in the process is sitting down for an interview with the recruiter. This is more of an informal ‘get to know you’ type of interview. If you are qualified, the recruiter will schedule an interview with the employer. Since the recruiter wants you to do well, they will prepare you for the interview and let you know what skills to highlight. Having someone in your corner for a job interview makes the entire process significantly less stressful.


3. No More Waiting for Feedback

Speaking of stress, waiting to find out how you did after an interview is especially nerve wracking. If you don’t get the job on your own, you may not even get feedback about why it didn’t work out. On the other hand, a recruiter will follow up with the employer to get feedback that they can then redirect to you. In this scenario you will either come away with some constructive criticism or a job offer!


4. Access to Unpublished Job Openings

Recruiting firms commonly have contacts with hiring managers who attempt to fill positions privately before sharing it publicly. Since these unpublished positions are only available through the recruiter, you may never even have the chance to apply if you were to carry out your own job search.


5. No Salary Guesswork

Right out of the gate, a recruiter will know the salary information on a position they are attempting to place you in. This means the recruiter will know your value and the salary you deserve. You also won’t have to go through the pain of wondering in hindsight if you could’ve gotten a higher salary if you had negotiated. Recruiters will let you know how you should represent yourself to get the salary that is a perfect match to your skills and experience.


6. You Will Be Right for the Job

We’ve all been there. You’ve been on the job hunt for months, and you’re at the point where you simply need an incoming flow of cash. So, you take a position that you may be overqualified for and pays you less than you should be getting. This won’t happen with a recruiter. It is in the recruiter’s best interests to find you a job that is a good fit with the right company. This fosters a good relationship between the recruiter, employer, and you. Placing you in the right job is a win for all parties involved.


7. Confidentiality

This last point is especially important if you are starting a job search while being currently employed. Whatever your reasoning is, recruiters understand the importance of confidentiality in a job search. Recruiters will take every step possible to ensure that the only one who knows you are looking for employment is new employers. On your own, you may have to post your resume and risk it being seen, just so you are visibly open to employment. With a recruiter, you have the benefit of employers knowing you are open to work, without the risk of it being online.


We hope this list of benefits opened your eyes to the reasons you should work with a recruiter. If you have any further questions about working with a recruiter, feel free to ask questions in the comments and we will respond as soon as possible!


Published January 16th, 2017, from Walrath Recruiting